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作者:數(shù)控噴砂機-自動噴砂機-蘇州噴砂機-江蘇噴砂機-模具噴砂機-根雕噴砂機-噴砂房-自動噴砂房-環(huán)保噴砂房-噴丸房-噴砂機械設備引領者 日期:2015/4/8 18:42:38 來源:www.jiaheslsw.com

全自動數(shù)控噴砂(丸)房 (機器人噴砂房

are just the start. A Blastman Robot, with its tireless durability, is also a versatile operator that eliminates the risk of human error. Using Blastman’s advanced technology will achieve a surface quality supremely optimized for painting and coating.

Our robots deliver unique blast cleaning solutions, combining reliability and productivity with exceptional versatility. They transform the blast cleaning environment through a robotized process that is reliable and technically advanced, leading to productivity levels and efficiencies that will bring substantial returns to your investment.

is rooted in its tireless capability for non-stop operation at a level of performance that could not be achievable by any traditional manual blasting system.

Able to do the work of several manual blasting operators, you can also rely on a Blastman Robot to produce immaculately clean surfaces to the exact specified degree of roughness setting new standards far superior to those achieved employing other methods.

Higher pressure combined with variable nozzle sizes and shapes, which allow for precision control and speed far greater than those of manual methods, result in efficiencies that will give your company much more than the edge against your competitors.

Payback Mission

A Blastman Robot has a mission. Highly efficient and reliable in its versatile operations, low on maintenance, labour, energy and other operating costs, a Blastman Robot’s mission is to provide you with a fast return on your investment.

Designed to prepare immaculate surfaces of the highest quality whilst delivering greatly enhanced cost control, a Blastman Robot will bring your business operations to a new level.

The unmatched technical capabilities of our robots will deliver economic efficiencies, quickly making the Blastman Robot system one of the wisest investments you can make for your company’s future.

A Blastman robot is remarkably versatile. It can be easily adapted to clean workpieces of different shapes and sizes and is equally efficient when cleaning large and complex objects as it is with smaller simpler tasks.

Many of the most challenging cavities and blindest of angles can be reached and cleaned with the help of an oscillating nozzle, further enhancing the entire cleaning process. Uniquely complex objects can be thoroughly cleaned by either manual operation of the robot or fully automated cleaning in the case of serial products.

Our robots are at your service and are able to use any abrasive medium, according to requirements.

Eliminating human error is just the first step in our automated abrasive blast cleaning solutions, enabling cost-conscious production that goes far beyond the physical and economic limitations of manual blasting.

Achieving the precise roughness and an immaculately clean surface is directly affected by a combination of factors: the type of abrasive material, the exact pressure, the nozzle shape and the distance and angle between the nozzle and object being blasted. Blastman’s advanced abrasive solution covers these requirements as well as others.

Nozzle control, manipulating both distance and angle, optimizes the finished surface quality. Furthermore, Blastman Robots are utilizing the optimum compressed air pressure for each abrasive material to achieve the best surface quality.

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