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The automatic pipe inner of sandblasting room (lines)

1、The pipe inner surface to be automatic gush arenaceous room (lines) is my company specializing in petroleum, chemical, nuclear power and thermal power industries conduit wall gush arenaceous (shot) derusting and of the design, it mainly consists of many gun super capacity gush arenaceous host, sandblasting (shot) room, sand material recycling system, a large store sand, automatic sand-up device, automatic feeding, automatic discharging frame, large dust removal system, electronic control system of a few parts. Especially suitable for large quantities of the pipe inner surface derusting gush arenaceous (shot) production.

2、Super capacity high pressure jet sand host super capacity high pressure jet sand host up to 6 cubic meters, let biggest can match 3-6 a gun, the pipe inner surface of DuoTiao to gush arenaceous homework.

3Large store a large reservoir sand sand measures can store 10-15 tons of steel grit, for gush arenaceous host continuous sand add.

4、Sand material recycling system sand material recycling system level screw conveyor and by a unit of ascension into, timely will gush arenaceous (shot) indoor set a sand of sand conveying to store in a sand. Automatic feeding, automatic unloader device.

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